Natalie Arsenow

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I create intricate drawings and surreal photographs, which people can enjoy simply for their aesthetic value. However, I do also love to inject a slight feminist touch. Therefore I make portraits, depicting women only, because in my opinion it’s high time to put women in the limelight and on a pedestal, where they belong, after existing in obscurity for many centuries.
My drawings:
The inspiration often comes from Old Masters on the one hand and photographs depicting actresses on the other hand. I mostly choose famous portraits from the Renaissance and Baroque period and images of well-known actresses because the audience is usually able to recognize them, which creates a link between the artwork and the viewer.

We shouldn’t forget that back in the days of the Old Masters women were legally only allowed to be muses and/or models but never artists in their own right. Even the way and poses how they are depicted are clearly steered towards a male audience and generally show the women as erotic, bewitching and available creatures with the single purpose to please men.
When I draw movie stars I will oftentimes use images from the past because I have the impression that back in the days women were still perceived as more glamorous and mysterious. This second topic is also linked to the recent Me Too movement and the fact that it is still necessary even for strong, established and successful women to fight for their rights all over the world. A fact, which can basically be applied to every single profession. It’s one of the big issues that our generation has to deal with.

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